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Invitation from the President of AFCC-MN

Hi folks,

Just want to send a more personal note inviting all AFCC-MN members to join us for our fall half-day VIRTUAL conference next Friday, September 11, 2020, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.

This year’s half-day conference focuses on mental health – specifically, mental health crises and how they can manifest in family court matters. Speakers will discuss cases in which a parent or child becomes suicidal or threatens violence. Sadly, this is something I am seeing more and more frequently in my cases. I am looking forward to hearing about strategies to employ to help everyone stay safe, and what I can do to help ensure professionals working with these families are making informed decisions.

Presenters: Linda Flanders: crisis intervention and de-escalation instructor; author of Crisis Intervention 101. Deb Link: family therapist specializing in cases with high conflict dynamics, domestic abuse, and trauma. Amanda Maenner: family law attorney who has handled cases that involved murder and suicide. The Honorable Timothy Mulroony: Second Judicial District, a former Referee of Family Court (in the Fourth Judicial District), and who currently presides over cases in Commitment Court. Cost: $70 AFCC-MN Members/$140 non-members. I hope you can join us for this timely and important conference. While this is a virtual conference, we are also building in opportunities for networking and socializing, as we know these are important to our members. I hope to see you there!

Sincerely, AFCC-MN President Jennifer E. Joseph


COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...

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