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A note from our AFCC-MN President

Referee Street: Sharing information and opportunities to learn from or participate with other organizations in the community.

One of the goals for the AFCC-MN this year is to share information and opportunities to learn from or participate with other organizations in the community.  Towards that end, we will be sharing information about such events in this space.  If you are aware of something which might be of interest to our members, please feel free to share it. 

The Hmong American Bar Association (HABA), is holding their annual banquet on October 4, 2019 at 5 p.m. at the Hmong House at 2112 11th Avenue in North St. Paul, MN 55109

This year our theme is Lawyering in the Age of Social Media with guest speaker Susan Humiston, Director of the Minnesota Office of Professional Responsibility. Ms. Humiston will provide ethical rules and scenarios for social media marketing and client relations – helpful guidance for lawyers and non-lawyers alike! Most importantly, the annual banquet is our sole means of fundraising to support the mission and goals of the Hmong American Bar Association which are to develop Hmong legal professionals and educating our community about the law. We look forward to celebrating with you! The Hmong American Bar Association is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to seek justice and to promote knowledge of the law and the legal system to its members, the Hmong community, and the community at large through education, scholarship, assistance, and services.

I’ve attended this banquet several times in the past.  It is an intimate gathering and an opportunity to meet Hmong lawyers, mental health professionals and other community leaders.  To register, the cost is $50 and you may connect here:


COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...

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