Minnesota’s AFCC Chapter gains 9 new members in April and wins the international chapter membership challenge. We entered the last month’5 new members ahead of California. California had a great month of April and added 10 new members. We added 9! Thanks to all of the hard work of our membership committee chaired by Emilee Rodriguez (David Best, Shawn Bulgatz, Patricia Buss and Kyle Wemerskirchen) and the great work of our members, we added 37 new members since July. That is a 15% increase, second only to Louisiana. For our efforts, we receive $2500 from the national chapter, but most importantly bragging rights for a year!
I believe this increase in membership reflects the hard work of our members – our Legislative Committee chaired by Carlo Faccini and Deb Link did a tremendous job teaching members skills and giving them opportunities to advocate for positions important to them such as focusing on the needs of children when deciding on custody and opposing the equal parenting time presumption. Our Education Committee chairs Laurel Ferris and Amy Krupinski have led the education committee in providing great programming and piloting remote access to allow greater Minnesota members to participate. Keep your eyes open for a brand new webinar being developed as we speak about the ethical and technical issues for mental health providers, ADR providers and lawyers to meet with patients and clients remotely. Finally, our Annual Conference Planning Committee, chaired by Jordan Hart and the Honorable Charlene Hatcher, pivoted and created the “Community Chats” which have been widely popular and well attended.
We are also throwing a tribute to Karen Irvin who has followed her daughter to Arizona. The information is on the website. It is Friday night. Click here to read about it.
Click here to register for the zoom event
Way to go AFCC-MN!
James Street
Refereee of District Court
Second Judicial District