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AFCC-Minnesota wishes to express our sincere condolences and grief to the family and friends of Mr. George Floyd, and all those who have been affected by his brutal and horrific murder by Minneapolis Police officers.  Tragically, Mr. Floyd’s death is simply one of the most recent, and visible, examples of a devastating failure of our society. It is unfortunate that the efforts of many generations of our fellow citizens to address systemic racism and inequality have been ignored by those who wield power in our society.  The result of inaction on the part of our broader culture is not only the senseless loss of lives such as Mr. Floyd, but also the tragic loss of potential from the millions of other lives that are marginalized by these same forces.

Through our mission, AFCC-Minnesota is committed to improving outcomes for all children and families involved in the family law system. We also strive to provide a community for our members that celebrates and embraces our differences and diversity; a community that allows us to learn from our different perspectives and experiences, and enrich one another’s personal and professional lives. We will continue to seek partnerships with individuals and organizations who share these values, with the intent of creating a better, richer, and more vibrant community. We join other organizations in our professional community in the pledge to support healing and reform that must occur if we are to make liberty and justice truly available to all people. And we will strive to hold ourselves accountable to these values, so that we are not simply issuing a statement to make ourselves feel better in this difficult moment. We must seize this opportunity to do the difficult work of systems change. Anything less would be a dishonor to Mr. Floyd, and the many lives that have been lost or diminished before him.


COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...

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