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Book Review: Overcoming the Alienation Crisis: 33 Coparenting Solutions

I just received an advance copy of the new publication, “Overcoming the Alienation Crisis: 33 Coparenting Solutions,” by John A Moran, PhD, Shawn McCall, PsyD, Esq., and Matthew Sullivan, PhD. It’s a practical resource for professionals as well as families who are dealing with situations in which a child is resisting or refusing to have contact with a parent. Part I explains what happens in these families, and how multiple circumstances come together to result in “resist-refuse dynamics” or “parent-child contact problems.”

Part II is super pragmatic. As the title promises, it offers 33 solutions to common coparenting issues, such as:

  1. How to respond to really long emails from your coparent that include lots of inaccurate statements.

  2. Your child complains about the chores they have to do at your coparent’s home – how to respond?

  3. Your child refuses to get in the car to go to the resisted parent’s home, what should you do?

  4. Examples of questions parents should avoid asking children about their time at their other parent’s home.

I anticipate this may be a helpful resource for families in the throes of conflict, as well as for professionals working with these families. More information at if you are interested.

Disclaimer: I serve on the Board of Directors for Overcoming Barriers. I do not receive any compensation from book sales, but they do help support the organization.

Jennifer E. Joseph

President – AFCC-MN


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