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Broken Places shared with Guardians

AFCC Board member Jordan Hart, Ph.D, and President Referee Jim Street discussing the documentary Broken Places with 190 Guardians ad litem at the Guardians’ annual training at Mystic Lake on September 5. This movie, for which AFCC-MN has the rights to show, discusses how to develop resiliency in children who have experienced high ACES (Adverse Childhood Experience Scores). Hart and Street discussed how resiliency may be fostered in family court and through therapy, and dialogued with Guardians around the state how Guardians in family law and juvenile courts can develop resiliency in children. This documentary produced by Roger Weisberg, is available through the AFCC-MN if you have ideas how we can share this information with other potential audiences in your area.


COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...

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