The Second Judicial District has created some remote access opportunities for litigants lacking technological capacity to appear at zoom hearings. To participate in remote hearings, parties must have access to a device with internet, a video camera, and speakers. Parties can participate from their phone or personal computer. If they do not have access to technology they can contact Court Administration at (651) 266-1999 to explore in-person hearing options or you can connect with one of the community resources noted below. These community resources can provide them with the technology necessary to participate in a remote hearing.
Ujamaa Place Contact: 651-528-8006 or Trace Polzin, Scheduling: Need to make arrangements at least 2 days prior to hearing
Ramsey County Law Library Contact: 651-266-8391or Scheduling: Need to make arrangements at least 2 days prior to hearing, appointments available between 8:30am and 3pm Monday through Friday.
Second Judicial District Contact: 651-266-1999 or Scheduling: Need to make arrangements at least 1 day prior to hearing, day-of accommodations may be made as well, resource permitting.
Please share this with other stakeholders who may benefit from this information. The Second Judicial District’s initial appearance calendars for orders for protection and harassment restraining orders are completely through zoom. There is an option to call in and not appear by video but I believe it is better if parties can see and hear what is going on as everyone else.
James Street Referee of District Court Second Judicial District