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Good News! Hennepin County Family Court Services Update

In this rough year, when good news has been in sorely short supply, I am particularly delighted to be able to share something positive:the Family Court Services team was poised to lose six positions, but instead will be moved to Health and Human Services at current staffing levels sometime in 2021.

The word on the street is that the advocacy from AFCC members and other groups made a significant difference in helping to ensure these services remain available and accessible to some of the more vulnerable families in Hennepin County. I also have it on good authority that folks who work at HCFCS are aware of our efforts and morale was buoyed by the outpouring of support for their work.

It is a powerful reminder that our efforts can and do make a difference!

A warm and hearty thank you to everyone who participated in this effort. And best wishes to everyone for a warm, safe, and relatively low-drama holiday-of-your-choice this season!

Jen Joseph President


COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...

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