Greetings to all members of the Minnesota Chapter of AFCC! In our continuing commitment to improve the lives of all children and families through the resolution of family conflict, our chapter has again retained the services of Rosedahl Public Affairs (RPA) to help us engage with the state legislature and other agencies, such as the Governor’s office, on important issues. As part of our work together, RPA prepares monthly summaries of legislative developments during the current session, which are relevant to AFCC-MN. Today we are sharing the first monthly summary from RPA. Our goal is to not only pass along the information, but also to highlight some of the steps our Legislative and Public Policy committee is taking on behalf of AFCC-MN, and to inform our members about opportunities for all of us to be heard. Please contact one of the committee co-chairs, Carlo Faccini or Deb Link, with questions or for information about joining the committee.
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COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...
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