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Opportunities to get involved with the AFCC

As I have met with our committee chairs, I have noticed that we have some opportunities for people to get involved with the AFCC. There are always opportunities to join a committee if you have an interest in that particular area. We have needs to supplement our volunteers in three areas: First, we have two board openings, with no particular sense of urgency, but if you are interested, please contact me and we can discuss what is involved and what skills we are looking for to round out our board.

Our membership committee would benefit from adding more people. This committee’s purpose is to recruit and retain members for the Minnesota Chapter. Members of the committee meet regularly, attend all AFCC functions, create and distribute membership materials, and serve as the liaison between the Chapter and potential new members.

Our Public Relations Committee can benefit from new members. As you may know, we upgraded our website capabilities and are exploring ways to better use this to serve members. The purpose of this committee is to promote and advance AFCC-MN through increased visibility. Of particular interest is to get people who are interested and skilled at using social media.

Please feel free to reach out to committee chairs, or contact me if you are interested:

AFCC-MN President – Referee James Street


COMMUNITY QUEST You are receiving this message because AAML, AFCC-MN, and the Family Law League have all come together to support a major...

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