AFCC members on the move:
A group of AFCC members from the Education Committee went to watch The Marriage Story, which is a movie about divorce. It doesn’t give a flattering picture of the process, and documents how it can go poorly. There are some awkward moments to watch when the parties meet with their prospective lawyers or a scene where one of the parties goes through a parent-child observation as part of the custody evaluation. Click here for a review about the movie.
After the movie, a discussion was held over wine and hors d’ oeuvres. This outing was a trial for something many members have been discussing and thinking about organizing – attending (with AFCC colleagues) some play, movie or artistic event relevant to issues about or which impact our cases and court; and gathering somewhere afterwards to process it.
We had fun and a great discussion afterwards! This movie is now available on Netflix.
If you think of ideas for possible outings, feel free to suggest them.

Attending and in the order as pictured are AFCC MN Chapter members: Jim Street, Nancy Darcy, Marie Jose Brizard, Laurel Ferris and Rachel Sibley.

AFCC members are everywhere. Here is Mindy Mitnick in front of a cool looking Snow Cat with her red AFCC stocking cap.
James Street
Referee of District Court
Second Judicial District