Be sure to sign up today for AFCC-MN’s Spring Half-Day conference: Supporting transgender and gender diverse youth and their families: medical, social and legal considerations Professionals who work with families involved in legal matters are finding discussions and decisions around gender diversity and transgender youth surfacing more and more in their cases. In this Spring AFCC Half Day Conference, we have two honorable professionals, Dr. Jenifer McGuire and Dr. Angela Goepferd, providing education, resources, and tools to best support healthy family environments around gender and sexual identity. This is a virtual presentation, so there is still time for you to be part of this important conversation.
For more information or to REGISTER NOW! AGENDA 8am Registration 8:30-10:00 Part 1 – Support Without Steering: Gender Identity Development in Children, and Talking with Kids & Families about Gender 10:00-10:15 q&a 10:15-10:30 Break 10:30-11:30 Part 2 – Evidence Based Approaches to Parenting Transgender and Non-Binary Kids 11:30-11:40 q&a 11:40-11:50 Break 11:50-12:50 Part 3 – Gender Identity Issues in the Context of Co-parenting